Site Meter

Contact HydroNI at or call 07768930914 (Gerard) 07902316954 (Trevor)

Got a Potential Site?

Then feel free to contact us.

Email HydroNI at

Contact HydroNI at


Omagh Business Centre, Great Northern Road, Omagh BT78 5LU

07902316954 (Trevor),

07768930914 (Gerard),



It would be helpful, but not essential, if you could provide the following information

- Your Name

- Your Phone Number

- Your email address

- Gross Head (the height difference between the intake from the stream and the return point)

- Available water flow (monthly)

- The distance between the intake and the return in meter

- Ordnance Survey grid reference points of both the intake and the return

- Grid connected or stand alone operation

This will enable us to carry out a desktop evaluation, the first of the five steps.