Step 5
Once the permissions are in place we can finally start building the project. HydroNI currently have a number of installations complete ranging from 12kW medium head Crossflow site to 100kW high head Pelton site, with construction commencing in April 2012 on a low head Archimedes Screw Turbine.
One of the primary concerns during this phase is that the construction is undertaken with minimal impact on the environment. It is probable that the grant of both the abstraction licence and planning permission will contain rigorous conditions regarding environmental protection and indeed will often stipulate limited periods of the year when construction can take place, e.g. in fish sensitive rivers, in river work can only occur during the period of May to September. To achieve the necessary standards, we work with experienced civil engineering contractors. At the end of the construction and commissioning, we will provide you with all the training you require and a detailed project information pack
HydroNI will project manage the scheme from conception through to electricity generation. In addition to overseeing the construction work on site, our work during the build phase includes:
Liaison with Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA), Inland Fisheries, Loughs Agency and the planning authority. These bodies can be expected to monitor the construction process carefully to ensure compliance with their requirements.
Formation of Health and Safety file for construction of project, with CDM Co-Ordination and site inspections to ensure compliance with relevant Health and Safety Requirements.
Co-ordination of work across several different disciplines on site. There will be a number of different contractors requiring access to the site, including civil, electrical and mechanical engineers in addition to work by the NIE.
Commissioning of the equipment, involving engineers from the equipment suppliers as necessary.
Training in the operation of and maintenance of the equipment. HydroNI will provide a maintenance programme if required.
The preparation of a project information pack.